

2012-09-26  10:30:15   www.gct-online.com  

1. So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of ____________.

A. stuff                            B. material

C. stock                          D. staff

2. This is the ___________ to an improvement of their living conditions.

A. key                              B. decision

C. essence                           D. alternative

3. Your __________ is the round of things that you usually do each day.

A. practice                         B. habit

C. routine                           D. custom

4. Farmers are more anxious for rain than people in cities because they have more at ___________.

A. danger          B. stake          C. loss          D. threat

5. A ___________of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.

A. shorthand       B. scheme        C. schedule      D. sketch


【解析】C项stock n.”库存,现货,备料(如have sth.in stock有存货;sth.is out of stock没有存货;The store is out of stock of sth.商店里某商品没有存货)”与题意相符。其他三项中,stuff n.”原料,材料,东西”;material n.  “原料,材料;资料,素材”;staff n.”全体职工,全体人员;参谋部”,都与题意不符。


【解析】A项key(to)n.”方法,关键;题解,答案(the key to world peace世界和平的关键;a key to the grammar exercises语法练习的答案)”,符合题意。其他三项中,decision n.”决定”;essence n.”本质,实质,要素”;alternative(to)n.”取舍,抉择;供选择的东西”,都与题意不符。


【解析】C项routine n.”(每天要做的)例行公事,惯常程序”符合题意。其他三项中,practice n.”业务;实践;练习;习惯做法”;habit n.”习惯”;custom n.”风俗,习惯,惯例”都与题意不符。


【解析】B项stake n.”利害关系,股份;赌本,赌注(have a stake in sth.在……方面有利害关系;be at stake/have sth.at stake关系到……;……处于危险之中;是得到或丧失……的问题,如:The peace is at stake;He has a lot at stake in the venture.)”符合题意。其他三项中,可以说be in danger,不说be at danger;可以说at a loss”不知所措,不知如何是好”;不说at loss;可以说under [the] threat of”处于……的威胁下”;不说at threat。因此只有B项为正确答案。


【解析】D项sketch n.”梗概,大意;草图,略图;素描,速写”符合题意。其他三项中,shorthand n.”速记”;scheme n.”计划,方案;阴谋”;schedule n.”时间表,时刻表,日程安排表”,都与题意不符。

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