

2012-10-12  11:28:27   www.gct-online.com  

1. He’s watching TV? He’s __________ to be cleaning his room.

A. known          B. supposed       C. regarded      D. considered

2. The old couple decided to ___________ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.

A. adapt           B. bring          C. receive        D. adopt

3. The government is trying to do something to __________ better understanding between the two countries.

A. raise            B. promote        C. heighten      D. increase

4. The soldier was ___________ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded          B. charged        C. accused       D. punished

5. In the past 10 years, the company has gradually _________ all of its smaller rivals.

A. engaged          B. occupied        C. monopolized    D. absorbed


【解析】be supposed to do sth.构成一固定用法,意为should do sth.。

2. 【答案】D


3. 【答案】B



【解析】be accused of为一固定搭配,意为”被指控”,scold和punish通常和for搭配。charge的搭配词为with。



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