

2012-09-21  11:43:25   www.gct-online.com  

1. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ___________.

A. scarcity                           B. minority

C. minimum                         D. shortage

2. Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally less expensive when they are in ________.

A. sale          B. need            C. season           D. time

3. The manager gave her his ____________ that the complaint would be investigated.

A. admission                        B. allowance

C. assurance                        D. insurance

4. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _________ of maturity.

A. fulfillment                      B. achievement

C. establishment                    D. accomplishment

5. The remarkable ________ of life on theGalapagos Islandsinspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.

A. classification                     B. variety

C. density                         D. diversion


【解析】in a minority占少数,与Most nurses are women相对应。A项scarcity”缺乏,不足”;a scarcity of teachers师资缺乏。C项minimum”最低限度”;The temperature reached the minimum at midnight.气温在半夜达到了最低点。D项shortage”缺少”;There is a world shortage of fuel.全世界都缺少燃料。

2. 【答案】C

【解析】A项in sale无此搭配,应为on sale,表示”出售,拍卖”;B项in need表不”需要的”;C项in season”(水果等)应时的,时令的”;D项in time表示”及时地,准时地”。根据题意应选C项。




【解析】achievement作”达到,取得”讲,指通过努力逐步达到某一阶段或取得某一成果,如:The achievement of his object inspired him to greater efforts.他达到了目标这件事激励他作出更大的努力。fulfillment则作”履行,完成,实现”讲,如:The fulfillment of every task assigned by the Party and the state is his greatest wish.完成党和国家交给的各项任务是他最大的心愿。establishment 意为”建立,设立,开办”,如:The establishment of revolutionary committees marks the beginning of the great revolution.革命委员会的建立标志着大革命的开始。accomplishment作”完成”讲,与fulfillment意思相近,如:We are fighting for the accomplishment of the Party’s tasks.我们正为完成党的任务而奋斗。


【解析】variety意为”变种,多样,种种”,如:We demanded more variety in our food.我们要求食物多换花样。而classification作”分类,类别,级别”讲,如:The automatic classification of mail according to places where it is to go is very popular in many countries.在很多国家,按邮件到达的地方自动对其进行分类是很普遍的做法。density意为”稠密,密度”,如:Mercury has a much greater density than water.水银的密度比水大得多。diversion意为”转移,消遣”,如:Chess and billiards are his favorite diversions.下棋和打台球是他所喜欢的消遣。

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