

2011-06-28  10:10:23   www.gct-online.com  



  How would you like to…?你愿意去……吗?

  Do you want to…?做想……吗?

  Would you like to… 你愿意……吗?

  Would you be interested in …?你将对……感兴趣吗?

  Let′s ……让我们……

  Can you come?你能来吗?

  Do you think you can make it?你认为你能行吗?

  We′d like you to be our guest.我们想请你做客。

  We′d like you to join us.我们想要你加入我们。

  Are you free next Thursday? 下周四你有空吗?

  Are you doing anything next weekend? 你下周末有什么安排吗?

  What are you doing next Saturday? We′re having some people over for a meal. Would you like to come? 下周六你有空吗?我们请了几个人来家吃饭。你想来吗?

  Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight? 你今晚有兴趣一起去看电影吗?

  Would you like to come over for dinner on Saturday? 下周六你想来我家吃晚饭吗?

  How do you thinking going out for a meal at the weekend? 周末一些出去搓一顿怎么样?



  Thank you very much. 非常感激。

  Thanks for the invitation.谢谢邀请。

  I′d love to, thanks. 多谢,我很愿意。

  That′s very kind of you, thanks.多谢,你真热心。

  That sounds lovely, thanks. 好极了,谢谢。

  What a great idea, thanks. 好主意,谢谢。

  I appreciate the invitation.感谢盛情邀请。

  It is very nice of you to invite me.你邀请我,真是太好了。



  Sorry, I can′t.抱歉,我不能。

  I′d love to, but I won′t be able to.我很愿意,但是不能够来。

  That′s very kind of you, but actually I′m doing something else on Saturday. 你真客气,但是我已经安排了别的事情了。

  Well, I′d love to, but I′m already going out to the cinema. 我也很想去,但是我准备去看电影。

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