

2011-06-28  10:19:28   www.gct-online.com  



  You should try to practice English.

  You shouldn′t eat too much.

  Why don′t you…

  Why don′t you join an English club?

  You ought to read more.

  If I were you, I′d 如果我是你,我就…

  If I were you, I′d watch more television.

  What do you say to a Coke? 来一瓶可乐怎样?

  What if we stop here today? 今天就此打住如何?

  I suggest visiting the EiffelTower. (连自己在内全部人都去)

  I suggest that you visit the EiffelTower. (你们大家去我不去,只是提议)

  I recommend the lobster. (这家餐厅龙虾做得好)

  What would you say to our going for a ride in the country?我们骑车去乡下怎样?

  It might be a good idea for us to postpone the visit.我们推迟访问,或许这个主意不错。

  If I were you, I′d take a suitcase.如果我是你,我就带小提箱。

  Let me give you some advice as to where to go for the vacation.至于在何处度假,让我给你点建议。

  My advice to you is to pay more attention to your health.我对的你的忠告是,多注意你的健康。

  If you ask my advice, I would not accept the invitation.如果你问我,我建议不接受这个邀请。

  I advise you to buy a good dictionary. 我建议你买一本好词典。

  Let me give you some advice.我来给你一点建议吧。


  You could always… 你其实可以…

  Have you considered… 你考虑过…

  Perhaps we could… 也许我们可以…

  Do you think it′s a good idea to… 你觉得…好不好呢?

  Why not…..?为什么不…呢?

  How about ….?……如何?

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