

2009-09-11  14:21:30   www.gct-online.com  


Part Three Cloze


There are ten blanks in the following passage .For each numbered blank , there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single through the center.

“Without time to relax and have fun, kids can suffer stress just like adults,” warn experts—who say as many as one in four youngsters have symptom of burnout.More and more parents are pushing their kids to be busy in structured activities 31 ______ .

Many of these activities for children are not for recreational 32 ______ involve competition.The kids 33 ______ to “win”, not just participate, and this can cause34 ______ .Today’s parents have the 35 ______ that children don’t pursue a lot in outside activities will be36 ______ .Parents are in panic because they know it’s a 37 ______ world out there.They are running scared to be sure their kids can go into marketplace and compete as adults, but38 ______ some cases they are missing the big picture.Kids who are unhappy and depressed grow up to be unhappy, despress adults who don’t do well in their jobs or 39 ______ life.And these kids will not know as adults how to relax.Everyone needs time just to relax and recharge.When you are not stressed, you can be 40 ______ productive.

That’s why it’s important to help your child find a balance.

31.A.at no time B.at times C.all the time D.at one time

32.A and B.but C so D as

33.A push B are pushed C have pushed D are being pushed

34.A failure B threat C stress D diligence

35.A mood B attitude C style D idea

36.A left alone B left behind C left out D left over

37.A pleasant B tough C colorful D adventurous

38.A in B at C under D on

39.A personal B public C outside D social

40.A very B most C more D less

Part Four Dialogue Completion


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