

2011-06-30  9:14:45   www.gct-online.com  

   Prevention is always preferable to a cure, and while much of the data are still preliminary, a growing body of evidence suggests 1 the local green market may be a rich source of anticancer agents. 2 certain fruits and vegetables seem to have powerful tumor-fighting properties that researchers are 3 beginning to appreciate—and to study. A sampling of the current crop of findings:
  Scientists have long known that men who eat cooked tomato products such as pasta sauces4to have lower rates of prostatecancer. Until last week, however, the data were anything5conclusive. A study reported at last week′s meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research shows that daily doses of lycopene (番茄红素), an antioxidant that 6tomatoes and gives them their red color, may not only prevent prostate cancer but 7existing tumors as well.
  Previous studies showed that women who eat soy products 8 tofu and soy milk are less likely to develop breast cancer. But it was never clear why. Now a small study of two dozen women may point to an answer: soy seems to keep circulating levels of estrogen low, 9__ inhibits breast cells 10 proliferating.
  1. [A] what[B] that [C] why [D] when
  2. [A] In any case[B] In consequence[C] In brief [D] In particular
  3. [A]just[B] also[C] still [D] yet
  4. [A] likely[B] inclines[C] tend[D] trend
  5. [A] but[B] except[C] for[D] yet
  6. [A] ripens[B]strengthens [C] sharpens [D] broadens
  7. [A] expand[B]shrink[C] stimulate [D] stretch
  8. [A] as [B]for instance [C] such as [D] for example
  9. [A] that [B] which[C] what[D] where
  10. [A] off[B] from[C] apart[D] out
  参考答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.A

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