

2011-06-30  9:07:39   www.gct-online.com  

 Health experts have given sunshine a bad reputation, for good reason. After all, too much sun put you at increased risk of skin cancer. But several studies found that careful and brief sun ___1___ may fight disease.
  Catching few rays may help ___2___ colon cancer by stimulating your skin to manufacture vitamin D. most adults don′t get enough so-called sunshine vitamin, probably because we avoid dietary source of D ___3___ fortified milk and dairy products. Measured doses of sunlight can help ___4___ the shortfall. A large-scale eight-year study revealed that people with the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood were ___5___ to get colon cancer. The main reason is ___6___ vitamin D seems to prevent cancerous changed in cells and also causes the bowel to ___7___ calcium, an anticancer mineral. Exposing your arms and chest___8___the sun for just 10 minutes a day in summer, and 20 minutes a day in spring and fall, can ___9___ vitamin D levels to the colon cancer-fighting range. For most people, this amount of sun is ___10___ increase the risk of skin cancer. But after this brief period of sun exposure, use sunscreen to protect your skin.
  1. [A]explosion[B] exposure[C] expansion[D]exhibition
  2. [A]ease[B] decrease[C] reduce[D]combat
  3. [A]because of [B] such as[C] in spite of[D]for example
  4. [A]make out[B] make for[C] make up for[D]make over
  5. [A]most[B] more[C] least[D]less
  6. [A]that[B] why[C] what[D]whether
  7. [A]absorb[B] receive[C] accept[D]abuse
  8. [A]under[B] in[C] to[D]for
  9. [A]lift[B] rise[C] arise[D]raise
  10. [A]very small to[B]small enough to [C] too small to[D]so small to
  参考答案:1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C, 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C

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