

2012-08-08  9:54:30   www.gct-online.com  

1. I was held up by the traffic jam, otherwise I _________ here 50 minutes sooner.

A. would be                          B. ought to have been

C. would have been                     D. must have been

2. The driver carefully checked his car __________ it should go wrong on the way.

A. lest                                B. or else

C. so that                             D. in order that

3. ” __________ his second heart attack if he hadn’t smoked?

“He might not have.”

A. Would he have had                   B. Would he have

C. Had he had                         D. Were he to have

4. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother __________ to swim.

A. how will it learn                     B. will it learn how

C. it will learn how                     D. and it learns how

5. She ___________not have seen you yesterday, for she was not there.

A. might         B. could           C. should            D. must


【解析】otherwise”否则”,连接副词,引导一个与过去事实相反的假设,相当于if I had not been held up by the traffic jam,因此句子谓语需用虚拟过去时。would be是虚拟现在时的结果句。ought tO have been”本来应该”;must have been”一定已经”,纯属推断。


【解析】lest引导的从句谓语一般多用虚拟语气should+动词原形,也可单独用动词原形,如:I’ll be kind to her lest she decide to leave me.


【解析】本题为虚拟过去时或叫非真实条件句过去时,条件句用过去完成时,作出与过去事实相反的假设,主句谓语用would/could/might have+动词的过去分词。




【解析】”她昨天不可能见到你,因为她根本就不在那里”。could not后面跟不定式完成式用于推断过去不可能发生某事。

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