

2010-09-01  10:32:35   www.gct-online.com  


  1. The number of residents who_____ on this matter is quite small.

    A has been questioned  B have been questioned

    C is questioned  D is questioning

  2. Neither Russia nor the United States____ to convince the other that its social system is the better of the two.

A have been able   B are able    C has been able     D were able3 .There ____ a TV set, a portrait and several albums on the shelf.

A are      B is     C being       D have

4.The minister, accompanied by some of his assistants, ___.

A have already come  B had already come      C has already come  D came

5.It is he, rather than you, who___ responsible for what has happened.

A is  B are  C has been   D have been

6.Poor health, in addition to other unfavorable circumstances, ____ his failure.

A contributes  B contribute  C contributing  D have contributed

7.Many a college student___ to return to the easy days of high school.

A wish  B wishes  C have wished  D has wished

8.Few of my friends___ that movie.

A see   B sees   C have seen    D has seen

9.More than one hundred workers___ to be involved in the strike.

A are said   B is said   C say   D have said

10.The editor and publisher of the magazine ___ in a car accident.

A was rumored to die   B were rumored to have died

C has been rumored to die       D have been rumored to die

11.Neither the place nor the people there___ since after the war.

A  has changed    B changed   C have changed    D have been changing

12.We have already dialed 119, but the police___ yet.

A didn’t arrive   B hasn’t arrived   C haven’t arrived     D won’t arrive

13.That is the only one of those books that ___ me.

A interest   B interests   C is interested    D are interested

14.Has Peter or Ann realized ___ folly?

A  their     B his     C her     D one’s

15.___ one thousand dollars a huge sum of money?

A  Are     B Is     C has…. been     D have…..been

附:一致练习答案:1B 2C 3B 4C 5A 6A 7B 8A 9A 10A11 C12 C 13A 14C 15B



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