

2012-09-24  11:47:06   www.gct-online.com  

1. Scientists are working hard to come up with a sure solution to the food _________ for mankind.
  A. decline B. rarity
  C. scarcity D. shortage
  2. The managing director took the __________for the accident, although it was not really his fault.
  A. guilt B. blame
  C. charge D. accusation
  3. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ____________.
  A. boundaries B. restraints
  C. confinements D. limitations
  4. Except on official ___________ such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality.
  A. cases B. situations
  C. events D. occasions
  5. The young couple were quite excited by the _________ of having their first child.
  A. perspective B. prospect
  C. future D. foresight
  【解析】D项shortage n.”不足,缺少”符合题意。其他三项中,decline n.”下降,减少,衰落”;rarity n.”稀少,少见的人或东西”(常与不定冠词连用);scarcity n.”缺乏,稀少”,都与题意不符。
  【解析】B项blame n.”(过错,事故的)责任;责怪,责备”符合题意。如:put/lay/bring the blame on sb.”怪在某人身上”;The blame rests on sb.”责任在某人”;take the blame on oneself for sth./bear the blame for sth.”承担……的责任”。其他三项中,guilt n.”罪,罪责”;charge n.作”罪名,指控”解时不与take搭配;take charge of sth.表示”对……负责,接管”的意思;accusation n.”指责,控告”(不说take accusation for sth.),都与题意不符。
  【解析】D项limitation n.”限制,限度,极限”符合题意。其他三项中,boundary n.”分界线,边界”;restraint n.”(情感的)抑制,限制,克制”;confinement n.”限制(在范围内);监禁”,都与题意不符。
  【解析】D项occasions”重大活动,盛会;时刻,场合;时机,机会”符合题意。On official occasions”在正式场合”;on occasion(s)”有时,间或”;on such occasions”在这样的场合”;on many/several occasions”有许多次/有好几次”;on one occasion”有一次”;on the occasion of”在……的时候,在……之际”。其他三项中,case n.”情况,事实;案件”(注:case与in而不与on搭配);situation n.”形势,局面;环境,状况;地点,位置”;(一般与介词in相搭配);event n.”事件;(体育)比赛项目”(与介词in而不与on搭配),都与题意不符。
  【解析】B项prospect n.”前景;前途;展望(一般作不可数名词用,与the连用,如the prospect of a holiday;the prospect of owning one’s own house)”,符合题意。其他三项中,perspective n.”远景,景观;透视画法”;future n.”将来,未来;前景,前途”(多与不定冠词连用,如a bright future);foresight n.”远见;预见性;预言的能力”,都与题意不符。

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