

2012-09-12  10:59:29   www.gct-online.com  

1. I shall tell you what he __________ at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.

A. was doing      B. did             C. had been doing    D. has done

2. Jack wishes that he __________ business instead of history when hewas in university.

A. studied                   B. study

C. had been studying         D. had studied

3. Today children __________ everywhere inChina.

A. take good care of                   B. have taken good care of

C. had been taken good care of         D. are being taken good care of

4. If you ___________ in such a hurry you sugar into the sauce instead of salt.

A. were not, would not put           B. were, would put

C. had been, would have put           D. had not been, would not have put

5. The winter vacation ___________ over, he got clown to his work again.

A. was            B. were            C. had been          D. being


【解析】此题旨在考查时态,题中的at three o’clock yesterday afternoon是明显的一般过去时间状语,因此该题应选A项。


【解析】wish后可跟宾语从句,从句中使用过去完成时,表示对过去的虚拟。例如:I wished that I had never met you.我要是没有遇见你就好了。I wish we had been traveling yesterday when the weather was so fine.昨天天气很好,我们要是去旅游就好了。


【解析】由于在句中作主语的children和take care of具有逻辑上的动宾关系,因此该处应使用被动语态,所以A项和B项不合适。C项为过去完成时,与时间状语today不搭配,可见只有D项为正确答案。


【解析】根据句意,我们可以看出,这里需要使用虚拟语气,表示对一般过去的假设。例如:If the facts had been collected earlier,we would have had more time to study them.

如果这些材料早些时候就搜集到,我们就会有更多的时间对其进行研究了。If natural resources had been fully utilized,industry would have developed more rapidly.如果自然资源得到了充分利用,工业的发展本可以更快些。


【解析】在本句中没有任何连词,因此,这里不可能是两个完整的句子,而只能一个是句子主干,另一个是非谓语结构作状语,可见A项、B项和C项全错。正确答案为D项,因为”the winter vacation being over”是一独立分词结构,用来作状语,表示时间,例如:Nobody having any more to say,the meeting was closed.大家都没有什么可说的了,会议就结束了。

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