

2012-08-14  9:37:18   www.gct-online.com  

1. Living in the western part of the country has its problems, __________ obtaining fresh water is not the least.
  A. with which B. for which C. of which D. which
  2. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ___________ advertisements showing happy, balanced families.
  A. are often seeing B. will often see
  C. often see D. have often seen
  3. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary__________ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
  A. by that B. at that C. on that D. in that
  4. You see the lightning __________ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
  A. the instant B. for an instant
  C. on the instant D. in an instant
  5. Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations __________ formal language is used.
  A. in which B. at what C. on which D. in that
  【解析】正确答案为C项。从句的正常语序应为obtaining fresh water is not the least of which (of its problems)。介词of表示”在……(同类人或物)中”,例如:He is the most diligent of the boys.他是男生中最勤奋的。
  【解析】本题考查的一个常见的英语句型,即and前面的分句用祈使句,相当于一个条件句,后面的分句用一般将来时,例如:Keep on listening to English every day and you will improve your listening comprehension.只要每天坚持听英语,你的听力就会提高。Work hard and you will catch up with your classmates.只要你努力学习就会赶上你的同学的。A项用的是现在进行时,C项用的是一般现在时,而D项则用的是现在完成时,都不符合题意,因此只有B项是正确答案。
  【解析】in that意为”表现在;原因是,由于,因为”,例如:Britain’s press is unusual in that it is divided into two very different types of newspaper.英国报纸的独特性在于它被分为两种不同的报纸。
  【解析】从句子结构看,it happens是从句,前面需要一个连词来连接。在四个选项中,B项、C项和D项皆是介词短语,不能连接从句。A项the instant相当于”as soon as”,可起连接作用,例如:I sent you the news the instant I heard it.我一听到这消息,便立刻通知了你。Please let me know the instant you get the visa.一拿到签证,就告诉我。Stormy applause broke forth the instant she appeared on the stage.她一在台上出现,台下就响起暴风雨般的掌声。由此可见,只有A项符合题意。另外,类似短语还有the minute,the moment等。
  【解析】in…situation是固定搭配,作”在……情形下,在……场合中”讲。例如:We must crash both the interior and exterior enemies of the Republic,or perish with her.And in this situation,the first maxim of our policy should be tO conduct the People by reason and the enemies of the People by terror.我们必须击败共和国内外的敌人,不然就会与共和国同归于尽。在此情况下,我们政策的第一条,应当是依靠理智来管理人民,借助恐怖来统治人民的敌人。

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