
在职研究生英语:职场充电推荐 (双语)

2013-05-14  9:16:54   www.gct-online.com  


1) Influence


Most consider it the single best book on the psychology of persuasion.


There are universal principles that make something influential: scarcity, authority, social proof, liking, reciprocity, and consistency.


2) Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us


The best, most accessible research-based book on what motivates us.


For jobs that require creativity and problem solving, research shows we’re motivated by a desire for autonomy, mastery and purpose. Money is really only a motivator for work that does not inspire passion or deep thought. The single best motivator is progress, and the best predictor of success is “grit.”


3) The Power of Habit


An engaging read that explains the science of how habits work — and how we can change them.


About 40% of the actions we perform in a day are habits — so we’re on autopilot almost half our life. Identifying what triggers your habits is key. Assigning new habits to established triggers is how you change a bad habit into a good one. Friends can be a major part of whether you’re able to change for the better.


4) The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study


They studied over 1000 people for the duration of their lives – from childhood until old age — giving them regular physical and psychological tests and tracking the results.


What they discovered confirmed some things we all believe about what it takes to live a good, long life — and more interestingly they found out where our common beliefs are wrong.


There’s a lot of overlap between what makes us happy and what promotes a long life. Stress isn’t all bad. The good do not die young. Women don’t live longer than men because of biology. Relationships are more important than exercise if you want to live a long life.


5) The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work


A Harvard researcher’s very practical book on how to be happier and how happiness can improve your life.


Happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful. The 20 second rule can make you a much better person. There are a lot of simple little things that can make you much happier.


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