

2012-10-25  14:00:26   www.gct-online.com  

1. You can blame me for having ______, but I really didn’t mean to.

A. kept you down   B. let you down      C. put you down              D. slowed you down

2.  When and where the new hospital will be built _____ a mystery.

A. to remain          B. remains             C. remain                     D. is remaining

3.  Only one little boy _________ the traffic accident; everyone else was killed.

A. suffered       B surrendered      C. stimulated     D survived

4.  You needn’t hurry her. She ________ it by the time you are ready.

A. will have been finishing                          B. would finish

C. will have finished                                      D. will be finishing

5.  It is highly desirable that a new president ___________ for the firm board now.

A. will be elected     B. be elected             C. elect                       D. is elected

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage:

Jessica Bucknam shouts “tiao!” (tee-ow) and her fourth-grade students jump.

“Dun!” (doo-wen) she commands, and they crouch (蹲). They giggle (吃吃地笑) as the commands keep coming in Mandarin Chinese.

Half of the 340 students at the K-5 school are enrolled in the program. They can continue studying Chinese in middle and high schools. The goal: to speak like natives.

About 24,000 American students are currently learning Chinese. Most are in high schoos. But the number of younger students is growing in response toChina’s emergence as a global superpower.

“Chinahas become a strong partner of theUnited States,” says Mary Patterson,Woodstock’s principa. “Children who learn Chinese at a young age will have more oppoutunities for jobs in the future.”

Isabel Weiss, 9, isn’t thinking about the future. She thinks learning Chinese is fun. “when you her people speaking in Chinese, you know what they’re saying,” she says. “And they don’t know that you know.”

6. What do the fourth-grade students seem to be doing in the first paragraph?

A. They are learning how to jump.   B.They are learning how to crouch.

C. They are learning how to giggle.  D. They are learning Chinese.

7. The purpose of the program for Jessica’s students is to ____.

A. enable them to learn how to command

B. get them enrolled in the language program

C. help them to speak how to command

D. continue enrolling more students to learn Chinese

8. In response to the fact that ____, more American students are learning Chinese.

A. theUnited Statesis the only superpower in the world

B. international trading is becoming globalized

C. partnership is encouraging business and trade

D.Chinais emerging as a new superpower in the world

9. Why do more and more young students personally choose to learn Chinese in theUnited States?

A. They will have more job opportunities in the future.

B. They are more interested in the international trade.

C. They will visitChinafor further education.

D. They are curious about the corporate partnership.

10. Isabel Weiss has also chosen to learn Chinese because ____.

A. she wants a brighter future

B. she finds it fun to learn the language

C. she likes to do business inChina

D. she watches people speak the language


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