

2013-06-11  9:03:53   www.gct-online.com  

The heritage of English law brought with it the seeds of American liberty-not the flower and the fruit, which were to be produced after long labor and painful struggle. Nevertheless, the seeds were there and they sprouted, took root and have continued to grow. To this extent, the inheritance was valuable, but it is not to be denied that even though English law gave us the seeds of liberty, it also imposed upon us a vast amount of useless lumber that we have not swept away entirely — after three hundred years of unceasing effort. Even the system of trial by jury, in spite of its enormous value, came to us with burdensome, outworn ideas and unnecessary precautions, on the one hand, and with no adequate means of adaptation to changing conditions, on the other. For one thing, in the early days it was assumed that ignorance of the facts was a guarantee of a juror’s impartiality. At that time, when means of communication were few and slow, there was something to be said for the idea; but today, when means of communication were abundant and almost instantaneous, ignorance of the facts is evidence, not of impartiality, but of extraordinary stupidity, or of extraordinary indifference. The rule that a juror must be ignorant of the facts is, therefore, a rule that operates against, not for the effort to fill the jury box with honest men of ordinary intelligence. It has become so hopeless, indeed, that the courts literally ceased long ago trying to enforce it. It is, nevertheless, still a theoretical part of the system.

1 The passage is main about _____.

[A] the seeds of American literty

[B] the system of trial by jury

[C] a theoretical weakness of the jury system

[D] the changing conditions in the jury system

2. The inheritance of English law brought with it _____.

[A] the seeds of American literty

[B] the flower and fruit of American literty

[C] some ideas and precautions which were useless

[D] both A and C

3. The assumption that ignorance of the facts was a guarantee of a juror’s impartiality _____.

[A] was reasonable neither in the past nor at present

[B] was extraordinary stupid or indifferent

[C] is not valid under the changing conditions

[D] has been proved reasonable

4. The rule that a juror must be ignorant of the facts is _____.

[A] no longer a theoretical part of the system

[B] no longer strictly enforced

[C] against the theoretical basis

[D] still strictly enfore

5. Which of the following statements is true?

[A] The rules of the trial system should be more flexible to adapt to the changing conditions.

[B] The members of the jury should be of extraordinary intelligance.

[C] Ignorance of the facts on the part of a juror today is evidence of impartiality.

[D] When means of communication had proved abundant,there was nothing to be said for the idea.







将5个相同的球放入位于一排的8个格子中,共有C58种放法; 枚举3个空格相连的放法有6种,所求概率为6C58=328,故选C。





二阶导函数为f″(x)=2x(x-1)+x2,因为f″(0)=0,所以0不是极值点; f″(1)>0,所以1是极小值点,且为惟一的极值点,故选B。



圆锥体积为 V=13πr2h=13πh(52-h2),所以由dVdh=13π(52-3h2)=0得h2=253(易知这时体积最大),从而r2=52-h2=503,所以rh=2,故选C。

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