

2009-07-20  13:49:25   www.gct-online.com  

第 一 部分 2009年GCT英语词汇讲解

第一节 词汇选择题的命题特点

工程硕士研究生入学考试规定,词汇及用法的专项考题为10个,每个2分,共20分。命题形式为单项选择,题干下有A, B, C, D 四个备选项,要求考生根据题干选出一个最正确的答案。

第二节 词汇考试的设计特点


(1). In the theatre that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience.

A. sensible B. sensitive C. emotional D. positive

(2). The boy has been warned time and again that reading in the strong sunlight will

_________ his eyesight, but he just won’t listen.

A. effect B. attract C. effort D. affect

(3). The ship set sail after all the crew came on __________.

A. aboard B. abroad C. board D. broad

(4). The driver ___________ abruptly as he saw an old man crossing the road.

A. broke B. brooked C. braked D. bred

(5). On hearing the news that our volleyball team won the championship, he ______ from the
chair and cheered in joy.

A. stood B. lifted C. raised D. rose


(1). Mary was so weakened by the disease that she could __________ stand up.

A. almost B. barely C. nearly D. scantily

(2). All understood what the teacher meant ________ Mr. Lee.

A. besides B. except C. beside D. except that

(3). Poor as she is, it is beneath her to _______.

A. steal B. rob C. perform D. execute

(4). The teacher said that the pupils must be _______ during the study-hour.

A. calm B. still C. quiet D. soundless

(5). There are some _________ flowers on the meeting room.

A. unnatural B. unreal C. false D. artificial


(1). The _________ with the project in spite of the difficulties in the course.

A. carried off B. carried out C. carried on D. carried forward

(2). Of course, the children look unhealthy. Their mother can’t afford to _________ them _______
_ decent meals, not to speak meat and fish regularly.

A. fed … on B. feed … on C. grew … on D. grow … on

(3). During the past few years the prices have __________ by nearly 10%.

A. gone up B. grew up C. got up D. put up

(4). Yesterday night we had several guests visit us, we had to __________ until 3.

A. put up B. set up C. sat up D. stayed up

(5). Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in two months ___________ her weight to 100 pounds.
A. brought out B. brought off C. brought down D. brought up

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