

2013-05-20  8:47:47   www.gct-online.com  


A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I′m looking for a present, for my wife.

A: Ah, this handbag is very nice, sir.

B: Is it expensive?

A: Oh, no, sir. It′s quite cheap. It costs 15 pounds.

B: Fifteen pounds! That′s too expensive, I′m afraid.

A: Look at this vase, sir.

B: No, that one′s too big. What about the one next to it?

A: Ah, yes, sir. This one is smaller and it′s cheaper.

B: How much does it cost?

A: Eleven pounds 30.

B: Eleven pounds 30. That′s much more expensive than I expected. What about a book.

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